Collection for the food bank
Thanks to our employees we managed to collect 372 kg of goods, which is a success for the first event of this kind. The material aid was taken to a central warehouse where the food will be sorted and distributed to non-profit organizations. At the moment the warehouse supplies over 200 NGOs. In addition to the help it receives from large chains, the food bank also engages its volunteers at farmers' markets to collect fruits and vegetables. They further process this food, along with expired food, in a transformation kitchen in Zdiby near Prague, which was funded by donors. Here, seniors, single mothers with children and homeless people learn to cook with the help of food bank staff. It's good to teach them how to use the donated food so they can have a healthy and hot meal, not just heat up canned meat. They also make jams, baked teas, vegetable spreads. This ensures that unconsumed food does not go to waste unnecessarily.
Thank you again to everyone who contributed and helped a good cause.