Information for whistleblowers
according to Act No. 171/2023 Coll., Whistleblower Protection Act
The company EQUANS Services a.s. (the "Employer") as an obliged entity under Act No. 171/2023 Coll., Whistleblower Protection Act (the "Act"), has established an internal reporting system to protect persons reporting unlawful conduct under the Act.
Which unlawful activities can be reported?
A report must include information on potential breaches, which occurred or are likely to occur at the Employer or at another person with who the reporting person is or was in contact through his/her work or other similar activity and which
a) fulfil the characteristics of a criminal offence,
b) fulfil the characteristics of an administrative offence punishable by a statutory fine with an upper limit of at least CZK 100 000,
c) violate the Whistleblower Protection Act; or
d) violate other legal regulations or EU regulations in any of the following areas
financial services, statutory audit and other verification services, financial products and financial markets,
corporate income tax,
prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing,
consumer protection,
product safety and compliance,
transport and traffic safety,
protection of the environment,
food and feed safety, animal health and protection,
radiation protection and nuclear safety,
economic competition, public auctions and public procurement,
protection of internal order and security, life and health,
protection of privacy and personal data, and security of electronic communications networks and information systems,
protection of the financial interests of the European Union, or
the functioning of the internal market, including the protection of competition and state aid rules of the European Union.
Who can make a report?
Reports may be made by employees of EQUANS Services a.s. or by volunteers and trainees at EQUANS Services a.s.
The Employer is not accepting reports from persons that are not performing work or other similar activity as referred to in Section 2(3) (a), (b), (h) or (i) of the Act for the Employer.
Other persons may continue to use for their submissions the internal alert portal of Equans Group ( or report to the Ethics Officer or to a competent authority.
Reports must be made in good faith and with no direct financial incentive. An individual may commit an offence if he/she knowingly makes a false report (section 7(3) of the Act).
To whom should suspicions about unlawful activities be reported?
The reports can be submitted to the designated persons through the internal reporting system.
Designated persons:
Mgr. Radim Palatý, tel.: +420 602 262 498
E-mail address:
How can I report an unlawful activity?
The designated person receives written reports on the above-stated e-mail address or by telephone. Upon request by the reporting person, the designated person receives a report in person within a reasonable timeframe, but not later than 14 days from the date on which the reporting person so requested.
Reports may also be sent by post to the address of the designated person: Mgr. Radim Palatý, advokát, Sokolovská 47/73, 186 00 Praha 8 - Karlín; the envelope must be visibly marked "Report under the Whistleblower Protection Act – for the attention of the designated person, DO NOT OPEN" or by dropping it into the letterbox located at the door 4.19 in 4th floor of the Employer's premises at Lhotecká 793/3, Prague.
Under the Act, a report must contain the name, surname and date of birth of the reporting person, or other data from which the identity of the reporting person may be deduced.
External reporting platform
According to the Act, reports may also be made through the external reporting platform established by the Ministry of Justice
For more information on the internal reporting system, see Internal Rule - Whistleblower Protection.